Dental Implants: The Top Choice for Replacing Teeth

Dental Implants: The Top Choice for Replacing Teeth

Losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience, both emotionally and physically. Not only does it affect your appearance and self-confidence, but it can also lead to problems with eating and speaking. Fortunately, there are a variety of options available to replace missing teeth, including dental implants. Here are four reasons why dental implants are the best choice for replacing missing teeth.

Four Reasons Why Dental Implants Are The Most Effective Solution for Replacing Missing Teeth

Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth.

Dental implants are designed to fuse with the bone in your jaw, providing a sturdy foundation for artificial teeth. Once the implant has healed, a natural-looking tooth (or teeth) will be attached to the metal post, completing the restoration. Because they are designed to look and function like natural teeth, dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from your other teeth.

Dental implants are strong and durable.

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Unlike other tooth replacement options such as bridges or dentures, which typically need to be replaced after 7 to 10 years, dental implants are built to last. In fact, many implant dentists offer warranties on their workmanship in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty on the implant itself.

Dental implants improve your oral health.

Dental implants don’t just improve the aesthetics of your smile—they also improve your oral health. That’s because dental implants don’t rely on neighboring teeth for support, as bridges do. This means that there is no need to file down healthy teeth in order to place a bridge, which can lead to future problems such as decay or gum disease. Additionally, because dental implants fuse with your jawbone, they help to stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss in the jaw.

Dental implants are convenient and easy to care for.

Dental implants don’t require any special care—you simply brush and floss them as you would your natural teeth. There is no need for messy adhesives or soaking solutions like there is with dentures. Additionally, because dental implants function like natural teeth, you can eat all of your favorite foods without worry or discomfort.


If you’re considering replacing one or more missing teeth, dental implants should be at the top of your list. Thanks to their strength, durability, and lifelike appearance, dental implants offer a number of advantages over other tooth replacement options such as bridges or dentures. Plus, they’re easy to care for—just brush and floss as you would your natural teeth! But do not forget to visit your dentist regularly as well for the best oral care! 

To learn more about dental implants, or if you’re looking for a dentist in Buford, Georgia, consult with our dentist right away! You may book an appointment here or you can visit us at 4745 Nelson Brogdon Blvd.

Dr. Nimisha Patel Profile Pic

Dr. Nimisha Patel

Dr. Patel graduated from the University of California School of Dentistry (UCSF) and went on to complete advanced studies and continuing education courses in reconstructive, cosmetic, and implant training at the Advanced Dental Implant Research and Education Center (AIC). As an enthusiastic dentist with comprehensive dental expertise, Dr. Patel is proud to combine modern techniques and high-tech equipment to provide personalized and comfortable care to her patients.

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